it's been a culture of filipinos who are devoted to catholic religion to celebrate the fiesta of sr. sto. niño. this much awaited event is celebrated every third week of the month of january. this serves as the thanksgiving for the honor of senior santo niño. people said that this celebration also commemorates the the arrival in panay of malay settlers and the subsequent selling of the island to them by the aetas.
pit senior! that is the usual word i used to hear. i am wondering what was the meaning of that word. hmmm i must kinda search about it. well anyways, our town is one of the many provinces celebrating the fiesta of sr. sto. niño. my mom and my dad as her supporter really spent their time, money and effort just to celebrate this event. people are used to come in and out with a stomach full. and i'm happy for it.
right now, i am here in our town celebrating the event as well as the christening of my nephew and i'm one of his godmother. weeee and most especially today is the 26th year anniversary of my mom and dad. i wish them all the best and good health. more strength to conquer all the trails and problems they are experiencing now. i also pray to God our savior to keep them together in all the situation as what they promise to God. may our Lord God heal whatever they feel. i am offering everything to God for He only has the authority to control me and the whole world.
i am now comfortable to the situation we are in for i know that i have the God to give me strength and hope. anyways, before i end this i want to let you know the happiness that i am feeling right now. and also i'll pray and wish you all reader to be blessed by God.